


Living is abnormal, I fully endorse the view of Eugene Ionesco and I realised the true meaning of his words when I entered the premises of Darul Sukun, along with my college companions.
For us it is just a name of an institution providing shelter to the mentally handicapped and socially displaced people but in real, it is the heaven and the hell for those who live there at the mercy of others. 

I imagined all those times I begged my parents to buy me new clothes, a latest model i-pod or a laptop. I would definitely cry for hours in front of them until they accepted defeat. But my selfish attitude was changed on the day I visited Darul Sukun. I saw children dancing and enjoying themselves. Strangely I felt comfortable and welcomed.
There were children about a month old whose parents had left them in a totally strange place just because they were different and thus difficult to handle. Giving out food items to them gave me a feeling of so much satisfaction that, I had for once devoted time from my selfish life to people much less fortunate than me.

I always had a perception that mentally retarded and socially displaced people were unfortunate and were not as blessed as we all were. However, when I visited Dar-ul-Sukun, I realized how wrong I was. My heart actually went out to those people who were suffering there. My purpose of visiting there was just to receive a certificate to showcase in my collection; but after spending some time in Dar-ul-Sukun left me amazed. I had never felt such compassion towards those people especially the children who at such small age become a victim to mental or physical disabilities and deformities. It was beyond my imagination, the suffering and agony these people were going through. The efforts of the staff of an institution like Dar-ul-Sukun in looking after these under privileged people are remarkable and commendable.

There was a baby about 3 months old whose face was completely paralyzed and half of her brain was coming out of her skull. On the other hand, there was a 16- year old girl whose height was around 3-31/2 feet due to malnutrition. Some of them were even tied to their beds due to their violent behavior. Just watching them made us feel so blessed and grateful. We communicated with the nurses there and inquired about different children’s condition. My few hours social service in Darul Sukun made me thank Allah for the blessings He has provided me. I learnt not to cry over small things in life but rather enjoy the big things I am blessed with. I am really thankful to the Jinnah University College for conducting such a social activity. Hence, my visit to Darul Sukun was a unique and memorable experience.

By Saman Siddiq AS Science